Virtual Meeting

Published: Aug 30, 2023 Revised: Jul 7, 2024

Every new season, ALL TRAINING IS REQUIRED of all officials, new and veteran alike. Even if you are a veteran official, the online training is paid, required training and serves as a valuable reminder of your duties and required knowledge.

Online Training Begins Here!

Watch the Video
~10 minutes

Watch the video, below; or watch it on YouTube.

Watch on YouTube →
Take the Test
~40 minutes

Officials must attend this virtual meeting and take the online quiz. It's paid training (1-game credit) to be completed before field training!

Take the test →
Do “Concussion Training”
~45 minutes

Optional if younger than age 18, but recommended for all officials; paid training (1-game credit) for completion. Required if age 18+ years old.

Take concussion training →
💰 Training is paid! 💰

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